Aura Chakra Cleansing


To understand Aura Chakra Cleansing, we need to understand the terms Aura and Chakra.


God has provided every human being with natural shield known as Aura. Aura protects us from any negativity around us. Aura allows only positive energies and intention. According to Dr Tushar, Aura is an invisible shield of light surrounding the body, created by emission of light by each and every molecule of the body. Though Aura is not visible to everyone, some blessed people like Dr Tushar can see and heal it. Aura has different colours depending on the evolution of the individual. The size and shape of Aura also differs from individual to individual depending on their mental, physical and spiritual strength. For example, colour of Aura of a Teacher will be different from that of a Businessman. Also Aura of a healthy individual looks different from that of an ill individual. Aura gets damaged under 4 circumstances viz 1. Extreme negative emotions like anger, fear, hatred, jealously etc. 2. Excess alcohol drinking 3. Doing Drugs 4. Operations. Once Aura is damaged it allows negative energy to attack on the individual which may result in physical manifestation like mental or physical sickness, depression, mood swings etc. At OORJAPOINT Dr Tushar detects any damage caused due to negativity. Dr Tushar heals and shields the Aura and helps the client regain health, wealth and prosperity.


There are hundreds of chakras present in a human body. The seven fundamental chakras are known as muladhara, which is located at the perineum, the space between the anal outlet and the genital organ; swadhisthana, which is just above the genital organ; manipuraka, which is just below the navel; anahata, which is just beneath where the rib cage meets; vishuddhi, which is at the pit of the throat; ajna, which is between the eyebrows; and sahasrara, also known as brahmarandra, which is at the top of the head, where when a child is born, there is a soft spot. These 7 fundamental chakras have different colours and shapes. Each Chakra has special mantra associated with it. These chakras are energy attracters of the body. They attract cosmic energy and help us perform various activities ranging from physical to spiritual ones. They act as huge fans. The working of these fans can malfunction due to many reasons like damage to the Chakra or blades due to negativity just like accumulation of dirt on blades of fans etc. The damage to these fans can lead to various problems in an individual lives like physical, Spiritual aspects etc. At OORJA POINT Dr Tushar with his special spiritual powers detects the nature of damage caused to these Chakras. Dr Tushar with the help of divine Masters heals the damage caused and helps the client regain health, wealth and prosperity.

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